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Produced By
Adam Isiah
Written By
Adam Isiah C
Released By
Progressive House
Released By

Producer/Composer Adam Isiah started his musical career at the early age of thirteen years old by spending countless hours learning and crafting his unique sound. After many years of practice, Adam Isiah would release his debut EP, “” in 2021. Adam would even work with other artists across the globe and continue to perfect a sound that would become his signature in many tracks. A low and gritty bass that makes for heavy drops with elegant melodic progressions gluing them together. Adam wouldn’t stop there, he would also release his first album, “” in the same year as his debut EP. Through the following years, Adam would continue to create a sound he enjoyed while still working with others. Singles like “” a heavy electro-house track with synth-heavy bridges, would be a testament to how far his skill had come from his first release. If you enjoy high-energy electro-house along with a pinch of abstract composition, you are in for a treat.